Website Development Resources and Risk-Free Methods for Building Your First Website

It can be extremely intimidating and occasionally seem impossible to start out online. I should know; I only entered this field two short years ago, and it took me a long time to even launch my first website. My first website cost me well over $4,000 to build, and in the first year it was online, it brought in just over $100. For me, it was a very steep and painful learning curve.

However, I was still ignorant of website development.

There are a few straightforward steps one can take to ensure they start out the right way the first time because I would hate to see anyone else make half the errors or lose as much money as I did.

First, one needs to decide what they want to sell. You will need a product first, regardless of whether it is an affiliate product or a product that you have the legal right to sell. Additionally, I can assist you if you are unsure of what to sell.

Oh, and for those who are just starting out (like I was not all that long ago), an affiliate product is one that someone has the right to sell online, and as a member, when you sign up for their affiliate members page, you’ll get your very own link so you can market their products too. You will receive payment each time you sell their product using your affiliate link online (using your new website). As an affiliate marketer, you typically receive a commission that ranges from 50% to 75% on every sale you make, but we’ll get to that later.

What is the best and most affordable way to launch your own website?

These days, you don’t necessarily have to spend over $1,000 on just the software to build your own websites. You will also require essential tools when you first start out, which are typically paid for separately on a monthly basis. Examples include pop-up windows, banner and button builders, html editors, and auto responders for automatic email response and marketing.

I advise doing your research and finding out what services are offered by your site builder. Does the monthly fee include a menu builder, pop up builder, banner and button builders in addition to an html builder, email builder, form builder, and link builder? Can I upload pictures with ease?

As I initially struggled with this one straightforward task—getting a website up and running—I did come across some tools that made a lot of sense. Even I could use the tools because they were so straightforward and simple. They helped me go from having no money-making websites to having over twenty, several of which are currently generating income for me. Thanks to the learning center in the back office and some additional research, one is also ranking really well with Google. I should also add that it was all fairly quickly.

I’m telling you this to let you know that you’re not alone and that, if you know how, starting up is not at all difficult. Playing around in the back office of your very own site builder only requires a small amount of initial learning, and it can be entertaining.

There is only a couple of easy and simple things you need to do when starting and they are,

  1. Even if you are unfamiliar with HTML coding or any other complicated concepts, you still need a user-friendly and straightforward website builder.
  2. You’re going to require a learning facility that offers tools to instruct you in creating persuasive copy for your website. This entails crafting sentences for your new website that will persuade visitors that you are telling the truth and that what you are selling is worthwhile. If a complete stranger finds something on your site they don’t like, they will just keep browsing until they find something they like.
  3. You’ll need a ton of traffic, and you’ll need it fast. Using a system that will also assist with this is a huge plus because as a beginner, you won’t know how to do it.

These are the three key areas for a newbie or someone looking to start with creating their very own website and earning a living from the lucrative online world.

How can a novice determine whether the software they are being asked to purchase is appropriate for them?

The problem is that this is easily fixable with just one straightforward question. I want to know if there is a free trial period available so I can see if it’s the right fit for me. Even if you have to pay for just that time, I advise against using that company if you can’t get a trial period.

Most businesses will attempt to convince you to sign up for a one- or two-year subscription, as you can see. However, what if you find their software difficult to use or comprehend? For a very long time to come, you will be making monthly payments for nothing. To ensure that you become accustomed to and comprehend your back office area, make sure to request a trial period of at least one week.

I will be available for free one-on-one support via email or Skype to anyone using any of the tools I personally recommend. Despite having a limited amount of time, I can relate to what it’s like to be a young, independent person. Below are my contact information.

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